“The warmth of a friend’s presence brings joy to our hearts, sunlight to our souls, and pleasure to all life.” – Uknown

Everyone has heard of Gabriel Medina, Adriano de Souza, and Filipe Toledo. The “Brazilian Storm” people call them. Most people don’t know it, but there’s another Brazilian storm brewing in Brazil.
In Salvador, Bahia, fishermen’s children are often forced to spend their days on the beach, helping with the work when necessary. They have to, by any means necessary, ensure their next meals. Many of them endure harsh and often dangerous working environments, depriving them of a proper childhood. Now, these kids are becoming the change-makers of their community.
An organization called MY Destiny is taking action. They deeply believe in the elements of surfing in providing the ability to ground human beings in a unique and meaningful way. Our “Local Captains” (surf instructors) Nayla and Mateus are changing lives through year-long surf and education programs, teaching children concepts of environmentalism, healthy eating habits, and respect for others.
Nayla and Mateus are now working to reach remote coastal communities in the state of Bahia—such as Sitio do Conde, Sibirinha, Costa Azul, and Coqueiro—to improve the pervasive health crises in the region and provide basic needs to the people of those remote towns. The organization believes in the power of surf values as a tool for positive change.
Similarly, Fabrício Flores, a creative sharper and soul surfer, hosts Lagoa Surfe Arte in Florianopolis, uniting artists, painters, photographers, filmmakers, and lovers of the surf community and culture. The event focuses on bringing people together and sharing the essence of surfing as a tool to spread kindness and gentility. The event is held every October.