Everybody’s scrolling through their Instagram feed these days. Here’s 10 accounts you should follow to make the most of it.

There’s nothing like scrolling through photo after photo of epic waves or a John John air when your local break is flat as a pancake. On one hand, it’s pretty excruciating to be constantly reminded of the great surf you’re missing out on. On the other hand, it keeps us on our toes and fills our heads with a kind of vicarious stoke; quenching our thirst just enough so that the next time swell starts filling in we’re in the water faster than you can say “Soo pitted.”
Now, most everyone has already heard of the likes of mainstream accounts like @kook_of_the_day, @whoisjob, @wsl and a myriad of pro-surfers and brands, so I decided to shed some light onto some quality accounts with far fewer followers. There’s a mix of everything: from world-class photographers to hilarious parody experts to stylish surf shops and everything in between.
Here are 10 accounts that every surfer ought to be following:
1. Sterling Spencer (@sterlingspencer)
A progressive, comedic surfer with a page full of stylish surf edits and some clever voice-over dubs that are sure to make you crack up.
2. Todd Glaser (@toddglaser)
A SURFER Staff Photographer with beautiful and iconic images you don’t want to miss out on.
3. World Surf LOLs (@worldsurflols)
Some talented photo-shop gurus with a keen eye for surf humor.
4. Garage Entertainment (@garagefilms)
While not all of their posts are surf-related, any action sports enthusiast will be amazed by their “Ohhhh!” producing clips.
5. Mollusk Surf Shop (@mollusksurfshop)
This hip, retro, and unique surf shop will add some style and grace to your feed.
6. Corey Wilson (@corey_wilson)
Ripcurl’s “The Search” head photographer. Breathtaking shots of the world’s best surfers in the most incredible locations. It’s hard not to be jealous of the man.
7. Matt Warshaw (@encyclopedia_of_surfing)
Curator of “The Encyclopedia of Surfing” and a frequent poster of rad surfing memorabilia.
8. Laserwolf (@laserwolf.photo)
A spectacular photographer with insane shots (particularly) inside the tube.
9. World Sleep League (@worldsleepleague)
This one’s pretty self explanatory. It’s also pretty hilarious seeing posts of CT surfers zonking out at events.
10. Leroy Bellet Photographer (@leroybellet)
A 17 year old prodigy boasting some incredible photos (especially POV) with a progressive eye well beyond his years.
If you’re already following all of these accounts, then good for you – your taste in Instagram is top-notch. But hopefully one (or many) of them is something new that’ll bring some extra stoke or a few laughs into your daily feed. Also feel free to let us know of any we might have missed in the comments section below!