“Is it still considered ‘selling out’ when you’ve been buying the product long after they were paying you to endorse it?” Screengrab: Instagram

Tony Hawk has a few thoughts about selling out. He’s probably been called out more times than any of us would like to think and you really gotta give it up to a guy who waits close to 20 years to chirp back at his haters.
Exhibit A:
The “greater good” argument is a pretty fair mic drop. For all the effort (translation: ego) the skate community puts into keeping it “punk rock,” the Tony Hawk has done a lot to advance the sport and by extension the opportunities others now have thanks to his “selling out.” One could go down deep philosophical rabbit holes debating when selling out transitions back to “keeping it real” and vice versa, but it’s easier to just wrap your mind around this age-old wisdom: “Haters Gonna Hate…” And even if you still want to hate on Bagel Boy, he offers some food for thought on whether or not he was ever selling out to begin with. “Is it still considered ‘selling out’ when you’ve been buying the product long after they were paying you to endorse it?”