Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Making the drive from Los Angeles to San Francisco can be one of two things depending on the company you keep and your objective. If you and your co-pilot have different tastes in music, for example, or you just can’t stand the thought of spending a second longer than necessary locked inside a moving vehicle with them, get your tuckus on Interstate 5 and point it. You’ll cross through cow country, you’ll smell things you’ve never smelled before, you’ll cross a road sign somewhere that says “Lemoore” and think to yourself, “Hey, we’re driving by Kelly’s wave…” And that pretty much sums up the excitement of one route.

If you have an entertaining co-pilot like Ivy Miller the other option is to get comfy and head due north on California State Route 1. People will tell you that drive is only a couple hours longer at most, but it’s not. You’ll stop 52 times along the way. You’ll get out and take pictures. You’ll explore. You’ll surf. And since you’re with Ivy you’ll also have to accommodate the traveling needs of her accompanying characters, like making stops at the liquor store so Skate Mom can get a fresh bottle of red.


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