Yep. Drunk history. If elementary and middle schools had the wherewithal to let teachers get all three sheets to the wind and stumble about when executing lesson plans, the States’ education system wouldn’t be lagging the way it presently is. Anyway, Comedy Central and Jason Mantzoukas took the Hawaii episode to the North Shore for a lil’ mediating between those feisty Australians and proud Hawaiians. (To be honest, the Bustin Down the Door movement has never looked this civilized.)
If you haven’t been following Drunk History, you’re really missing out. It began as a Funny or Die web series created by Derek Waters and Jeremy Konner back in 2007, and while the new network support has undoubtedly upped its production value and, more so, bandwidth, the show has always attracted big talents from Will Ferrell and Don Cheadle to John C. Reilly and Crispin Glover.
The Hawaii episode also explored John Cook’s “celebrated” return to the islands.
We’re thinking Waters & Co. need to keep with surf and give Doc Paskowitz the ol’ Drunk History heave-ho.