Undeniably, our greatest strength is you. And that’s exactly how we like it. I think the world’s best publications answer to two constituents: their readers and their hearts. Photo: Mike Smolowe

I have been putting this off for a long time. Mostly because I absolutely hate asking for money. I’m not good at it. I don’t like it when it happens to me. And I avoid situations precisely of this nature as much as I possibly can, which is why, on some level, I appreciate the opportunity: a chance to develop a new skill, if you will. I could continue to put it off, but I think it’s in the site’s best interest to procrastinate no longer. It’s another experiment in a string of experiments.
When we launched The Inertia (one year, two months and thirteen days ago), I envisioned it as a global community of talented and thoughtful surfers who use the site as a platform to share their thoughts, photography, and art with other ocean enthusiasts. I really wanted to empower the 99% of surfers to make a meaningful contribution to surfing’s narrative – and help some amazing charities that directly impact our planet and our lives along the way.
It happened. This month alone, about 100,000 people will have visited the site. That is massive. Especially considering The Inertia is exactly what we claim it is: a grassroots movement of socially conscious surfers. We haven’t really done any marketing. We don’t have any outside investors. We don’t even really have an office.
Here’s what we do have. We have passion, we have an undying commitment to our oceans, and we have a handful of supportive advertisers. But, undeniably, our greatest strength is you. And that’s exactly how we like it. I think the world’s best publications answer to two constituents: their readers and their hearts. Our conscience and your best interests drive our most difficult decisions, and I think we’ve developed a fair way to ensure that will continue to happen, because the more responsibility our readership has in making the organization viable…the more likely you will be pleased with our direction.
So we’ve crafted two options for you, our loyal readers, to consider – just in time for the holidays 😉
We thank you for your support, and wish you many inspiring days in the ocean.
Option 1: Shakers

Support The Inertia and receive The Inertia's Anniversary Tee-Shirt, Clark Little's 2012 Shorebreak Calendar, and a big box of Clif Bars!
We’ll be sending every Shaker a big box of 12 Clif Bars, a 2012 surf calendar from legendary Hawaiian photographer Clark Little, and The Inertia’s Anniversary T-Shirt. So subscribing to The Inertia covers all the bases: You’ve got energy to surf (Clif Bar). Inspiration to surf (Clark Little). And something awesome to wear before you get in the water (The Inertia shirt). And you’re supporting The Inertia! As always, you can donate a portion of your fee to one of our amazing partners: Surfrider Foundation, Save The Waves Coalition, The Surf Resource Network, WiLDCOAST, and Surfers For Cetaceans. In exchange, we’re just asking you donate $9.95 per month.
The first 10 subscribers will also get a free copy of Cyrus Sutton’s Stoked and Broke and one lucky subscriber will be chosen to win The Inertia’s signature model handplane from Enjoy Handplanes (pictured). We’ve tried them. They’re awesome.
Subscribe by December 10, and we’ll make sure you receive your order in time for the holidays…so take care of that special surfer in your life!
Thanks again for your support. We look forward to growing with you in the years to come.
Option 2: Movers
If you really appreciate this community – the debates, the beautiful photography, and the art – we would really appreciate it if you literally gave us your two cents to support it. Your one-time donation of $7.30 (.02 a day…for one year) would go a long way in allowing us to continue to curate and develop The Inertia to reach its full potential. In exchange, we’ll recognize your contribution by putting your name (or not if you’d prefer to remain anonymous) on a list of Movers and Shakers, because you’re helping to make a positive impact in our little surf world, and we thank you for it.