Towel, blanket, yoga mat? This towel does it all. Photo: Will DiMondi/Nomadix

Have we really turned into a sedentary society? Some older generations tend to say this is a product of our millennial generation’s “addiction” to technology. They argue that we are glued to our smartphones, laptops, and tablets. Constantly scrolling through social media feeds or texting with friends, we never get up off the couch, explore, or even go outside anymore.
However, I’d argue the exact opposite. This millennial generation actually can’t sit still. We are always outdoors, whether we are surfing in the morning, hiking during the day or doing yoga at night. With an insatiable desire for adventure, millennials are active travelers. As cliché as it sounds, the sky is the limit when it comes to exploring the world and all it has to offer. We also feel a strong responsibility to protect the environment and a commitment to healthy living.
Three practitioners of this active travel lifestyle recognized a pressing need for quality, sustainable travel products – Zack Helminiak, Chace Petersen, and Hunter Robinson. And thus, Nomadix was born, creating an eco-friendly towel that the active traveler can use for absolutely everything.
In our current consumer environment, we buy tons of single-use towels. There is one towel for going to the beach, one for yoga, and a whole different one for camping. The founders of Nomadix have countered this with their mantra “Own less. Do more.” They have created a towel that can be used for all of those activities so you don’t have to buy three separate towels. If consumers abide by that mantra, it takes eco-friendliness to the next level.

Don’t throw in the towel on sustainability. Photo: Nomadix
Nomadix towels are not like most environmentally-friendly products that are made out of recycled materials. Although the towels are made out of Global Recycled Standard certified recycled bottles, this towel goes a step further. It is not only sustainable in its materials, but also in its design.
“Basically, we believe that you shouldn’t just have recycled material in your products. You should have fewer products. To do that you need a product that can do more than just one thing,” said Helminiak. Nomadix towels are designed to be taken to the yoga studio, the beach, camping, traveling, a friend’s house, and backpacking. It’s a multi-faceted sustainability approach.
Helminiak points out that we live in a sort of “throw-away culture.” People think it’s acceptable to buy a product without a plan or any thought to how it will impact the environment in the long run. So Nomadix encourages people to buy products, like their towels, that can be used for everything and last a long time. “We want to become a thought leader and a voice for sustainable manufacturing. We want people to look at our company as it grows and then employ in their own company more environmental practices,” said Helminiak.
Nomadix is well on its way to accomplishing this goal. Most recently, Nomadix announced the sale of its towels in REI stores nationwide and online. “This towel is kind of like a symbol that people are getting out there more and they do care about the environment,” said Helminiak. Getting into eco-conscious chains like REI demonstrates that people are buying into their ethos. People really want to truly “Own less. Do more.”
The founders are committed to promoting this eco-friendly lifestyle for all active travelers (millennials and beyond). Nomadix thus serves as a voice for what the planet needs right now and refuses to throw in the towel on sustaining our environment.