That swallow tail, though. Photo: Bureo

It’s cool when your personal passions align with personal beliefs, and even cooler when those passions and beliefs, in turn, align with a larger initiative. Bureo is that common ground for environmentally-conscious surfers and skaters with their fishnet skateboards, the decks produced entirely from fishnets collected along the coast of Chile. The signature “Minnow” design has a grippy scale pattern that makes for a great cruiser, and they have partnered up with like-minded brands in Paris Trucks, Satori Wheels, and Bustin Bearings to offer you a truly progressive ride.

Gotta love visuals. Photo: Bureo
Bureo comes from the language of the Mapuche, or native Chileans, and means “the waves.” It was chosen as a huge shaka to the birthplace of the skateboards. Interested in lending a hand with getting the project off the ground and onto the streets? Support the Kickstarter. Visit their campaign’s homepage now and get anything from stickers and stainless steel bottles to complete setups and art! The decks themselves are $60.