Image: jerryoftheday

“A Jerry is an individual who exhibits a true lack of understanding for their sport, or for life in general.” – jerryoftheday
Back when my friends and I were degenerate teenagers, we used to throw snowballs at people with the dreaded gap. You know, the “gappers” — those people who leave a huge space between their goggles and headwear, with their foreheads glaring of gappiness. While we’ve all grown up (at least a little, though a handful of people would argue that we’re still degenerates), not ridiculing people on the slopes isn’t becoming easier as one might think, but actually more and more difficult. These days, with the abundance of “tech” making its way onto the mountain, style faux pas are a dime a dozen. Fortunately, rather tasking us with policing the slopes, jerryoftheday is here.
The hilariously cruel Instagram sheds light on the numerous atrocities happening on snowpacks all around the world, including matching sweat suit get-ups that I’m sure every grease-slicked styler from here to Maine has in their closet. Unfortunately, it seems as though the target is mainly skiers, which to me is a little disappointing because I have seen some pretty freakin’ stupid outfits on snowboarders. Either way, if you look like a jackass on the hill, you’re really digging your own grave — and now that jerryoftheday is keeping a watchful eye, no one can help you.

Image: jerryoftheday
And don’t think they’re only paying attention to the slopes…

Image: jerryoftheday
As far as how to avoid being featured on this page? That’s where it gets a little tricky. Everyone is a kook is one way or another. I’d say stick to all black — but not too baggy, you don’t want to be in the next 50 cent video; and not too tight, you want your boys to be able to breath. And for the love of all things holy: cover up your big, fat forehead!

Image: jerryoftheday