GoPro makes an identical rig with the same concept, but the idea of a DIY 3D footage is just a tad cooler.

Apparently, shooting 3D footage has become a DIY project. At least that’s the aim of this random and potentially really cool GoPro rig/mount that can be made with a 3d printer. The download popped up on Thingiverse recently, requiring just two GoPro cameras of the exact same model (3/3 or 4/4, etc.) and a special cable to perfectly sync both videos together. Or you can go the old fashioned route and throw in your own audio pop/clap and match up the footage from the side by side lenses. One camera is upright while the other is upside down; roll them at the same time using a remote and viola, you’re rolling your own 3D footage.
GoPro makes an identical rig with the same concept, but the idea of a DIY 3D footage is just a tad cooler. As long as you have a 3D printer to do it on, of course.And for anybody wondering what 3D surfing looks like on a monitor not built for playing such things, enjoy your headache while watching the video below.