-Surfers must perform to the ASP Judging Key Elements to maximize their scoring potential.
-Commitment and Degree of Difficulty
-Innovative and Progressive Manoeuvres
-Combination of Major Manoeuvres
-Variety of Manoeuvres
-Speed, Power and Flow
On the positive side: ‘Innovative and progressive’ looks good.
However the word ‘manoeuvre’ occurs a lot. For manoeuvre I could be forgiven for thinking that few points are available for bottom turn manoeuvres; few points are available for slow, unpredictable, flowing manoeuvres, few point are available for graceful style and flair that does not result in a manoeuvre. And lots of points are available for one particular manoeuvre involving a tail sliding top turn in the lip, with recovery.
Conclusion: The best chance of regular, consistent scores is to skip anything that couldn’t be termed a ‘manoeuvre’ and focus on sliding the tail out in a steep lip, repeatedly with just enough variety elsewhere to score some points as well for ‘variety of manoeuvres’. Maybe add a few above the lip manoeuvres? KSS. Keep it Simple and STP (Score the Points).
There is no use of the words creativity, flair, or style in this criteria. Maybe ‘innovative’ can double for ‘creativity’. maybe ‘flow’ can double for ‘style’. I can’t easily find anything to double for flair.