From Gidget to Jack Johnson, surf culture has had a significant effect on broader popular culture; this short film explores the psychographics of both surfers and consumers of surf culture, and draws some interesting conclusions. For instance, surfers only comprise about 10% of the surf industry’s target market.
The film: Much is said about surfing but little is known about the activity and its enthusiasts. Over the past six decades, the sport/hobby/lifestyle has become one of the major influences for youth culture worldwide. The behavior and consumer habits of the surfers, and mainly of the buyers, formed a booming market. This reflects the cultural events, priorities and goals of those who orbit that culture.
This film is the result of studies done by Surfari through academic e-market research, based in primary and secondary data.
More about Surfari: Halfway between a web-based business and a projects enterprise, Surfari aims to provide communication solutions for culture and sports. The website provides the relationship and understanding of the public who lives boardsports, and that dialogue turns into audiovisual and editorial projects that are relevant to the audience and other companies. We are, therefore, a translator of this public to, mostly, non-endemic markets.
In this film we use various contents over which we have no copyrights and we have no intention of offending any artist or organization. Any request please contact us via: contato@surfari.com.br.
We clearly drew some ideas from the video “We All Want to Be Young ‘, from BOX1824. Thanks for the inspiration.
Editing: Eduardo Linhares
Screenplay and translation: Lucas Zuch
Narration: Tiago Masseti
Disclaimer: The numbers and facts are based on the Brazilian surf industry, but some data may apply to other countries.