

Stephen Morissette is an American photographer and artist hailing from the coastal region of Southern California. His photography is multi-faceted that covers realms of surf, lifestyle, outdoor and editorials. Currently working at Rip Curl as the regional staff photographer, Stephen is able to use the ocean as his main muse by working with surf talent and capturing them in the rawest of elements. His images often emphasize movement above and below the surfaces of the water, giving the audience an innovative perspective of nature. Morissette pushes himself and the limits that often confine photographers. His ability to capture the true nature of his subjects and draw them out in his work is one of his many talents. He is a young, ambitious and crazy character who you will most likely find shooting from the beach or right next to you in the line up. "At the end of the day thats all photographers do - push a button and tell a story." - Stephen Morissette For more of Stephen Morissette visit
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