I am a University of Hawaii at Manoa grad with a BA in English, emphasis in creative writing. I am originally from Southern California and spent the past 5 plus years on Oahu. In those five years I fell in love with surfing, journalism and ultimately married the dream of being a wondering traveler. I completed an editorial internship with Pacific Edge Magazine, which is a local Honolulu business venture focused on supporting local Hawaii and the green movement. I attended SERF (Surfers Education Relief Force), a surf journalism course in Indonesia and gained a published piece in Surfers Path. In the coming months I will be based out of Kuta Beach, Bali and will be working for SurfTime Mag. My writing is derived from the experiences I have and those which resonate with the visions of creating a more environmentally responsible world. As a lover of the ocean I carry a lot of respect for those who work towards giving back to the magic it produces.
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