

I own a small company called A-Frame Athletics. I am a strength and conditioning coach specializing in movement mechanics and pain therapy. I have been training for 8 years as an independent contractor working with athletes of all kinds as well as folks who just want to move without pain. I have been surfing for about 15 years or so and love working with the community of watermen/women. I have been very fortunate in my career because I've been exposed to the right people with the right information in the health and wellness realm. As you may or may not know, the fitness industry is riddled with half truths and exploited facts that leave many people with unsustainable programs or things that look really good to the eye, but leave the body hurting. I want to give the best information possible to the community in order to keep people in the water and surfing better pain free. I want to give them the tools to prevent injury and deal with any tweaks they may come across.
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