Legal Director, Surfrider Foundation


Angela T. Howe, Esq., Legal Director for Surfrider Foundation, guides Surfrider Foundation's legal strategy and advocacy efforts, to assist grassroots chapters with beach access, marine debris and ocean protection campaigns. Angela earned her law degree from Boalt Hall, Berkeley School of Law in 2005. She has previously worked for Hogan & Hartson LLP in both their D.C. and Los Angeles offices. Her legal career at Hogan centered around Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act work with the Environmental Practice Group, as well as a great deal of pro bono litigation efforts. Angela is an Executive Committee member for the California Bar’s Environmental Law Section. Angela has served as a member of the West Coast Governors Agreement on Ocean Health Action Coordination Team and has spoken at several conferences, including the ABA’s Annual Environmental Law Section conference. She now volunteers on the Board of Directors of the U.S. Zero Waste Business Council and as a law school mentor for the University of California, Irvine School of Law. She continues to increasingly appreciate the beauty and power of our environment, which drives her passion to protect it.
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