
The Inertia

An El Niño winter is upon us. That much we know. And when surfers, especially on the West Coast of North America, hear the words El Niño, their eyes light up with anticipation. Because beaches from Hawaii to Northern Canada usually get waves during that particular type of winter.

The video you see above is from longtime surf forecaster Mark Sponsler. A big wave surfer himself, Mark has been forecasting since before his move from Florida to San Francisci in 1995 to chase bigger swells.

Mark goes as in-depth as he can on the upcoming El Niño season giving us a look at what to look forward to, and where we might see bigger surf. there might not much be much in the way of waves now, but he says there’s a lot to look forward to.

“In late October, some serious magic should start happening,” Mark says. The man likes what he sees in the models. He goes into serious detail. Glean from it what you will.


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