Editor at Everup

The Inertia

In the way sports lineages go, Riley Hawk is the ultimate skate scion… if there is one. But skateboarding is not much for lineages, especially the ceremonious. Skateboarders are more focused on what feels the right to them, what is inspiring them in the then and now, even if that means ruffling a few feathers along the way — often, the more feathers the better. And Riley walks in the similar vein, though you won’t see him jones-ing for the spotlight. The soft-spoken heir to Birdman’s throne didn’t care to be pampered and placed atop Birdhouse, though he did start his career there. Respectfully, he decided to part from pops a few years ago, joining Andrew Reynolds over at Baker.

“It felt right at the time,” Hawk explains, “and my dad supported me with whatever I did. It was time to try something new. How was I supposed to really break away from the shadow if I was going to ride for Birdhouse for the rest of my life.”

Not that he is one to believe there was or is a shadow. For starters, Tony Hawk is the godfather of vert. Riley Hawk hits rails and keeps more or less to street (and is damn good at it, as you’ll see in the edit above). Anyway, his decision was less about his father and more about him, as it should be. “Baker is one of my favorite skate companies. Andrew is one of those people you idolize, so when they come to you, it is hard to say ‘no,’ especially when you want to do it.”

As Riley admits, he long looked up to Andrew.

“My favorite to play was the fourth one,” he says, in a digression from the conversation that has us talking about his father’s Tony Hawk Pro Skater video game franchise. “And I definitely played as Andrew Reynolds.”

However, skating is only a part of his life. He is also heavy into music. But, again, in his soft-spoken manner, not a means to a fame and fortune-filled end. He doesn’t play in a band, simply jams out with friends.

While documented for his penchant for Stoner Rock, Riley doesn’t limit what he listens to. His current pre-skate warm-up?

“Fleetwood Mac.”



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