On a scorching 101 degree day in Western Australia, three lunatics, a surfboard and a garden rake turned up at a converted warehouse and filmed this tutorial. There were hotter days we could’ve picked for filming, but none we would’ve survived.
This clip is a bit of a watershed moment for me, not only does it include sponsors and better production values, but it’s the first time I’ve handed over the reins to another artist to host the tutorial. My mate Dan Duggan a.k.a. “Duggs” has been a graffiti artist for over 15 years, has run and taught heaps of workshops… and has never painted a surfboard before. From the outside, that might seem to be a bit of a problem, but as it turned out Dan bought some fresh skills to the table and injected some easy and ingenious graff techniques into the surf art scene.
I hope you enjoy Dan’s tutorial — it’s simple and effective, and I’ve certainly never seen anyone use a garden rake on a surfboard before. It’s taught me that sometimes collaboration is the best kind of creativity.
You can see more of Fieldey’s work at fieldey.com or deck your board out with a piece of Fieldey awesomeness at boardgraphics.com.au. If you want to paint your own board check out Fieldey TV for inspiration and tutorials.