If this is real, we want to know where to get one. If this is fake, our hopes and dreams have been crushed. Whichever it is, we want to ride one as soon as possible. Can you imagine this thing’s aqueous cousin in the lineup?
With an app that controls the board’s hovering technology from your iPhone or Android, it’s never been easier to defy gravity. Take that, Isaac Newton. In a demonstration just weeks ago in downtown Los Angeles, Christopher Lloyd from Back to the Future II put the board to the test.
Professional skateboarder Tony Hawk, Moby, Schoolboy Q, Terrell Owens and more demo’d the contraption, and it looks like this thing is a go. Where you can get one we’re not sure. One thing’s for sure: this board, if real, would revolutionize the way we look at boardriding forever. Thanks, Doc!
Hat tip to Bleacher Report.