And they not only vow to jump again… but they do. A fall from 500 feet usually means the end of the road for most people — both figuratively and literally. But Austin Carey and Jay Rawe decided to not be most people: first, they survived the fall, albeit with broken backs; then they chose to celebrate their recovery by, as mentioned before, JUMPING AGAIN.
The saga began a little over a year ago when their parachutes tangled while jumping the Perrine Bridge in Idaho. The two were attempting a “totem pole waterfall” move when Jay lost his balance and accidentally pulled Austin’s parachute, subsequently landing inside of it. This, needless to say, isn’t the goal of the totem pole waterfall move. They then plummeted towards the ground below, ultimately landing on the beach and instantly breaking both of their backs, suffering multiple injuries including those fractures to the spine.
Austin was even told he would never fully recovery, and would never walk again, let alone jump. Yet after an inspired recovery, Jay and Austin returned to the adrenaline rush that put them in intensive care. The gnarliest part might be that Austin jumped from the same exact spot of the previously (very) unsuccessful jump.
Crazy? Inspired? Or both?