There was a run of tiger shark activity in Hawaii this weekend. Luckily, no encounters were fatal. Photo: Albert kok/Wikipedia Commons

Two shark attacks were reported in Hawaii on Sunday, November 4th: one on Kauai and one on Maui. According to Hawaii News Now, the Kauai attack happened at 8:15 am while the victim was surfing with 8-10 other people at Davidson’s surf break. Though unconfirmed, experts suspect the shark was an 8-1o foot tiger shark. Luckily, the surfer was uninjured, as the shark took one bite on the back of his board before the surfer was able to paddle in.
A diver on Maui was not as lucky, however, as he suffered severe lacerations to his right ankle by a 15-foot tiger shark. According to local news reports, Mark Riglos said he felt a “tugging at his ankle” before he realized he had been attacked. Riglos’ friend nearby was able to help him rig a tourniquet and swim 500 yards to shore.
Fortunately for all involved (sharks included – God knows how those Aussies love to hunt ’em), everyone walks/swims away alive, although, this news seems to have occurred during a run of unusually frequent shark attack activity.