Back when The Endless Summer came out, surf travel wasn’t really a thing. Not in the way it is now, at least. Then Bruce Brown’s opus was released to the masses, and the trickle of surfers curious to seek, to explore, to find, slowly became a flood. Now, of course, you’re hard pressed to find a lineup that hasn’t been explored. Oh, there are places, to be sure, but they’re fewer and farther between with each passing day.
Namibia, though, represents something: despite the fact that it has indeed been found by the wandering surfer, there’s something about it so… foreign. Parts of it harbor an alien landscape, barren and windswept, mainly untouched by the destructive hand of man. A surf trip to Namibia isn’t easy–if you do it right, that is. It’s not Bali or Hawaii with their swaying palms and colorful drinks. You can’t step off a plane and into a perfect wave. You’ve got to earn it. That (and the endlessly perfect tubes that are churned out there), coupled with the fact that it’s not a place most surfers will go in their lifetimes, makes each and every edit a dream about a time every surfer yearns for.