The proposed casino and hi rise development for North Kirra/Bilinga would necessitate about 30,000 million cubic metres of rock and concrete. Photo: Shutterstock/pfshots

In 2013, surfers had to pull together and fight hard to save Trestles. Less than two weeks into 2014 and they already have to do it again. The proposed development plan to build a cruise ship port/casino near Kirra has left surfers and non-surfers fuming. Save Our Southern Beaches Alliance has called on the public to participate in a paddle out protest to oppose the two billion dollar development.
The paddle out starts at North Kirra at 10am. This could potentially be one of the largest demonstrations the Gold Coast has seen in at least five years. In 2009, over 1,500 protestors gathered at Kirra for the Australia Day Paddle Out. There have been numerous fights in the past to save Kirra, as erosion and disruption of the natural flow of sand to the Northern Gold Coast is cause for major concern.
The surfing community is convinced that the mere size of the ship port will destroy Kirra indefinitely. All the battles won in the past will have been, ultimately, a waste of time. If the development passes, not only will an iconic surf spot be destroyed but also local residents will have their ocean views obstructed, which in turn will cause property values to plummet. It could also have an unfavorable affect on sporting events that are held in the area, such as the Quiksilver Pro.
People power will ultimately decide on the fate of Kirra. Save Our Southern Beaches Alliance is calling on the public to stand up and be proactive so that waves will be protected for future generations. The paddle out starts at 10am at North Kirra next to the North Kirra surf shop. After the paddle out, there will be live music and speeches from invited guests. Save Our Southern Beaches Alliance explained on their Facebook page,“Nothing like coming in from an all time session at Kirra and watching perfect waves go past wondering if you should go out for one more run around or just spectate perfect crystal cylinders funnel their way down the line. Well we think it’s definitely a lot better then watching cruise ships go past anyway.”