Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Ryan Burch is one of the most ridiculously talented surfers in the world. Riding nearly anything that floats, Burch has long been known for his self-shaped asymmetrical oddities – and absolutely ripping on them. In this short clip, Ryan talks a little bit about where his head is at when he’s riding waves (it’s at a very good place), why he rides the boards he does (it has a lot to do with where his head is at). He then proceeds to go faster than most surfers on a few perfect Bangko-Bangko walls and duck into a couple of Grajagan Bay bombs. He does it all on strange (to most) boards with stranger (to most) fin set ups. And one thing is for sure: it is most definitely working for him.

Ryan Burch is one of the most ridiculously talented surfers in the world.


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