Holy snap. Just when you thought Nazare couldn’t get more ridiculously gigantic…it does. I guess we shouldn’t be surprised any longer. But the images and heroics never fail to shock.
Earlier this week, possibly the biggest swell of 2014 surged into Nazare – as well as across the world – causing waves from Punta Galea to Jaws to go off. On this particular mission, Garrett McNamara, Ross Clarke-Jones, Hugo Vau, and Sebastien Steudtner pushed human limits….as they do. According to the Red Bull team, McNamara lost a jetski in 20 feet of whitewater. Andrew Cotton got smashed beyond belief, and Ross Clarke-Jones proved that once you’ve got it, you can never lose it.
Watch the video above. Check the image below

Does Nazare ever get small? Photo: Red Bull
…and feel small.