Photo: ISA / Tweddle

After testing positive for THC, the active ingredient found in marijuana, the International Surfing Association (ISA) has announced their decision to take the gold medal from Mark Richardson and reward it to the runner-up–Puerto Rico’s Carlos Cabrero.
Richardson had won the gold medal in the Masters division of the ISA World Masters Surfing Championships back in 2011. When the results of his mandatory pre-event drug test came back, Richardson had exceeded the maximum level allowed by the World Anti Doping Agency (WADA). The ISA’s decision has come after a two-year reviewing process.
The strange and complicated situation has put the ISA under scrutiny, as many believe that Richardson still deserves the win. Although marijuana is not considered a performance-enhancing drug, it is still a banned substance in the eyes of WADA. The ISA has been conducting drug tests at every World Championship event for over ten years and Richardson is the first gold medalist that has ever tested positive.
Professional surfing and drug usage has been a much-debated topic and the ISA is making it a point to stand against it. The drug testing program is a big, and necessary, step in getting the sport to an Olympic caliber, which is President Fernando Aguerre and the ISA’s big undertaking.
Although probably not the ideal way to win the gold, ripper Carlos Cabrero is officially upgraded in the record books. The 2011 ISA World Masters Surfing Championships was held in El Salvador. While there has been a lot of heat put on the ISA, others believe that professional surfing has taken a step in the right direction.