Just a little more… a little more… and PERFECT.

Every now and then, a guy needs to shave off all of his body hair. Before surgery, for example. Or before an oiled up wrestling match, or before swimming in the Olympics. Or if you just like the way it looks. Or before Gillette pays you a bazillion dollars to do it.
For the uninitiated, shaving anywhere other than the face can be a blood-bath. Severed nipples mingle with blood and body hair on the cold tile floor and arterial spray from the axillary artery covers the mirror, making clean up a real bitch. But Gabriel Medina has your back (and probably a bazillion dollars)! With his newest series from Gillette, Medina shows the confused viewer exactly how to shave off all your body hair. And if his tutorials are going to continue in a downward direction, the next video might not be child-friendly.
Gabriel Medina Shaves His Pits:
Gabriel Medina Shaves His Chest:
Gabriel Medina Shaves His Belly: