Some people are a cut above the rest. Where most normal humans mutually excel to a certain ceiling, some exceptional outliers take it even further. You got your Michael Jordans. Your Stephen Hawkings. Your Pablo Picassos. They’re the Roadrunners of their respective fields, while everyone else is lagging behind like Wile E. Coyote.
And when it comes to Pipeline, nobody can come close to Jamie O’Brien.
From taking off switch stance to manhandling some of the biggest beasts Pipe has to offer, JOB is a freak of nature. And during the opening day of the 2015 Pipe Masters, he showed off his incredible comfort out at his homebreak. During heat 6 of the trials, Jamie bested his competitors by a landslide, basically toying with the unruly conditions. He pulled in to a screamer, disappeared deep behind the curtain, and exited in full Quasimodo stance. Who even does that!?
And as a victory lap, Jamie caught a wave right before the buzzer, dropping to his butt, and riding the whitewash to shore like a rodeo clown in a bull ring. Typically the conservative WSL judges don’t reward surfers for unorthodox maneuvers (i.e. dropping in switch), but you can’t deny Jamie’s insane Pipe prowess.