Not everyone could find a tube out there, but John John managed just fine. And it’s likely that he’ll win another title very soon. Photo: WSL/Poullenot

John John Florence is the best surfer in the world right now. He might not be the best competitor–for my money, that distinction goes to Gabriel Medina–but pound for pound, in waves big, small, and everywhere in between, the man with two names is better than everyone else. Sure, you might disagree. That’s fine. That’s fun! But you’re wrong and I’m right, as per usual.
John John, who recently reclaimed the yellow jersey from the close-nippled Jordy Smith at La Gravière, has a very good shot at winning his second world title at the MEO Rip Curl Pro Portugal. The event just sounded its starting horn, and the forecast looks like a big fat slice of John John’s perfect pie, especially in the early heats.
“Solid swell and well overhead surf this weekend (peaking Saturday afternoon), while side-offshore North-NE wind and good conditions prevail,” wrote Surfline. “Smaller yet plenty contestable surf around the head high+ range continues Monday the 23rd through Thursday the 26th, and with good wind conditions for at least the mornings.”
Of course, Jordy Smith ain’t no slouch, especially not this year. But after a third-round loss in France, he gave the pole position to John John, who took it back without missing a stride. Now, moving into Portugal, there a few scenarios that would see him hoisting that trophy again. According to the mathmagicians over at the WSL here’s what could transpire:
-If Florence wins the event, Smith will need a 5th or better to stop him.
-If Florence finishes 2nd, Smith will need a 9th or better to stop him and Medina, Wright, and Wilkinson will need to win the event.
-If Florence finishes 3rd or below, the World Title decision will go to Hawaii.
Florence, so far at least, looks to be in his usual form. In his round one heat against Kanoa Igarashi and surfing’s favorite wacky cousin Mason Ho, he won soundly. While Igarashi scored a final heat total of 3.67, Mason only managed a dismal .50. Florence pulled a rabbit out of the hat and found his way to a total of 11.67.
And while it would be nice (for fans of John John, anyway) to see Florence secure his second world title, it would be nicer (for fans of exciting finishes) to see the decision end at Pipeline. Here’s hoping I just jinxed him!
Watch the MEO Rip Curl Pro Portugal at WorldSurfLeague.com.