The Hypto Krypto has become an icon, much like the creator himself. This is Hayden Cox giving us the low down on why the Haydenshapes Hypto Krypto is still his favorite board.
All good things must come to an end. Hayden Cox, the prolific surfer and entrepreneur behind Haydenshapes Surfboards, talks us through the final board in his quiver, the iconic global bestseller, the Haydenshapes Hypto Krypto.
To recap, in part one, Hayden shared his good wave board, the Haydenshapes Ando. Part two covered Creed McTaggart’s signature board and small wave performance hybrid wonder, the HS Love Buzz. In part three, we looked at the wine-glass inspired Merlot.
This is Hayden Cox of Haydenshapes Surfboards, My Quiver, Pt.4 for Compare Surfboards.