Saturday, January 24th was an epic day at Ocean Beach. I heard it was going to be classic, but had no idea it was going to be massively mind blowing. In the morning when I looked out of my window down the street, I could already see the waves breaking higher than the sand dunes. It was a dose adrenaline for me. I didn’t even think about having breakfast. I got my stuff and headed towards the beach.
Arriving at the beach, there were already some guys and girls making their way out. As the minutes passed, people started to pop up at the beach; some of them were there to watch the waves, while others were there to (insanely) have fun on them.
I’m pretty new to the surfing community in San Francisco, so if anyone knows anybody in these pictures, congratulate them for me. I’m super happy to put this gallery together and thank those running the show at OBSF.
For more of Pedro Bala’s work, check out his website, follow him @pedrobalaphotography and on Facebook.