Julian Wilson is a nut case. In between being an absolute stud on tour, he seems pretty keen on simply having fun and inventing new tricks, like the sushi roll, which didn’t stick around too long but was still utterly insane. After all, he’s pretty much mastered every other trick in the book.
Recently, Jules went to Indonesia, where he nonchalantly landed one of the most ridiculous maneuvers we’ve ever seen (0:50 minute marker). It’s so insane that we don’t even know what to call it. And since a considerable number of you went ape shit after we called Kelly Slater’s air in Portugal a 540, we thought those folks would like to see this and offer their two cents again. If we had to choose, the answer to our original question is a big fat nope. It’s a 540, not a 720. And so is Kelly’s, Albee’s, and Matt’s, for that matter. But putting all this 540-720 nonsense aside, this edit is magical and you should probably watch it in its entirety three or four times.
DRIVE FAST & TAKE CHANCES from Julian Wilson on Vimeo.