Remember “Cold Water Kids,” that heavy New Jersey edit from the creators of Dark Fall? It was actually an excerpt from Death 2 Hipsters, an absurdist comedy that takes on the supposed mainstream-ing of surf, taking a particularly harsh take on the apparent influx of hipsters in the lineup.
The trailer starts with a disclaimer of sorts: “No hipsters were harmed in the making of this film — actually… maybe we lost a couple. If you are offended by this message, stop wearing your sister’s pants, mixing techno music, and get some goddamn help.” But don’t worry as the feature-length surf film exhibits the hipster-less stylings of Andrew Gesler, Flynn Novak, Rich McMullin, Sam Hammer, Rob Kelly, Mike Gleason, and more — so rest assured that this has its fill of hard-charging sections.
With its premiere on July 17 at the Golden Nugget in New Jersey, this will have you both excited and curious as to what exactly is going to debut. If it is anything like Dark Fall, we’re in for quite the show.
For more of Alex’s films, check out his company’s website, at DarkFallProductions.tv.