Brad Gerlach is a 48-year-old grommet. Throughout the 1980’s and early ’90s, he was a fixture on the Tour… before airs were a real thing. Then he retired and moved into different areas of surfing – big waves, winning a Billabong XXL Award, commentating, promoting, and generally being Gerr, the outgoing, brash hard charging guy that he is. Now he’s a surf coach, and he’s in the process of writing a book that teaches a few secrets he’s learned in his time on the water. But he can’t do an air. Not to save his life.
Normally so silky and stylish, when Gerr leaves the lip, he turns into an everyday surfer, one that flails just like the rest of us. It’s actually pretty refreshing. But he figured that if he was going to write a book about learning to surf, he should cover all his bases and learn a new aspect of surfing.