How much do you miss this man? A lot? Us too.

Point Break is, without a doubt, one of the most iconic movies in surfing. There are a few other Hollywood flicks–Big Wednesday, North Shore, and of course, the best movie ever made in the history of all movies, the inimitable Blood Surf–but Point Break is up there. If I were a betting man, I’d put pretty good odds that you’ve spouted some version of a Point Break quote at least once in your surfing career. And now, thanks to the magic of the internet, you can own Bodhi’s board. For real.
You remember it, I know you do. That black to white faded middle spray job, that strange hourglass logo. I’ve often thought how fun it would be to have a board shaped after it–but the real one is up for auction. Right now, as I type, the top bid is at $5,500. It’s not just the board, either.

For Patrick Swayze.
A few days ago, our very own Dylan Heyden pointed readers towards the auction site that’s selling off Bodhi’s gear. It all comes from an estate sale that includes a whole bunch of Patrick Swayze’s stuff.
If you loved Point Break (you did), and you’ve got way too much money to burn, now’s your chance to have the wall-hanger of all wall-hangers. Because like the man said, “if you want the ultimate… you gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.”