Bethany, baby bump and all. Photo:Bethany Hamilton

By now, everyone knows Bethany Hamilton’s story. In 2003, at the age of 13, Bethany lost her arm in a shark attack off the coast of Kuaui. Although it very easily could have been an experience that took her out of the ocean for good, Hamilton got back on the horse just a few weeks later–and didn’t stop there. Now she’s one of the most well known surfers in the world. She’s surpassed just being known as a surfer completely and become someone who’s an inspiration to millions.
A few months back, Bethany let the world know that she was expecting. Directly afterwards, she (of course) surfed Teahupoo. Now she’s around the six month mark, baby bump and all. She and her husband, Adam Dirks, couldn’t be happier. And Bethany isn’t just sitting around eating pickles and peanut butter, she’s keeping active. In a recent interview with Fitbump, she talks about her workout regime, motivation, and babies surfing. Below are a few excerpts from the interview, which you can read in full on Fitbump.com.
Fitbump: Before you got pregnant, what did your weekly workouts consist of?
Bethany Hamilton: I usually surf one to five hours a day in two sessions. Surfing is my go-to as far as exercise, but I love working out and getting a sweat on. I often get distracted outdoors, but in a gym I can focus. I usually do a Tabata-style workout. I like high-intensity with various lunges and squats and some explosive versions. I’ll also incorporate the TRX, Bosu, step-ups and a ball, sometimes some light dumbbells, too. I love swimming, deep-sand beach jogs and sprints, playing tennis, spinning, running stairs. I love a variety of workout so I don’t get bored!
FB: Describe your pregnancy fitness philosophy in three words.
BH: Preparing. Aligning. Loving.
FB: What have you needed to change as things progress?
BH: At about five months I started to modify my workouts and movements. I slowed down my beach jogs and now just walk more or climb stairs. I’ve been getting on the spin bike a bit at my gym. No more jumping or explosive moves in my workout either. I think that my body will be healthier in the long run rather than bouncing that extra weight around and putting pressure on my back. I’ve gotten a ton of advice from my health advisor and coauthor [holistic health expert and licensed acupuncturist Dustin Dillberg] of my book, Body and Soul, on dos and don’ts.
FB: What motivates you to stay active right now?
BH: I am more energetic and happy when I have gotten some exercise. And being fit to birth a child. I’m hoping to have a natural birth.
FB: How soon do you think you’ll get your baby into the water once he arrives?
BH: My older brothers both have little ones and have introduced them into the ocean young, so I’ve watched, learned and have been a part of their introduction. I guess I’ll take it as it comes! We will see—I’ll post plenty of Instagrams.