Bethany Hamilton with Baby Tobias. Photo: Bethany Hamilton/Facebook

Bethany Hamilton, the world’s most inspirational female surfer, just became the world’s most inspirational mom on June 1st, 2015 as she and her husband Adam Dirks welcomed Tobias, a baby boy onto this blue planet. Hamilton posted the following on Facebook:
Blessed to welcome our son, Tobias, into the world. Born June 1st, 7.9 lbs. and 21″ Long. He is named after his great grandpa Tobias meaning “The goodness of God.” Adam and I so in love with our lil guy and are stoked to share life with him!
Hamilton was also seen charging Teahupoo while pregnant with Tobias, which means he’s the smallest dude to ever make it through a Teahupoo barrel. Before taking his first breath of air, he’d already claimed a world record. If his mother’s accomplishments and kind nature are any indicator, Tobias has an amazing life ahead of him.
And here’s a clip of ‘ol Bethany pulling a dirty air reverse. Just to remind you of how hard she rips.
When asked about introducing her baby to surfing, Bethany said she’d go with the flow. “My older brothers both have little ones and have introduced them into the ocean young,” said Hamilton. “So I’ve watched, learned and have been a part of their introduction. I guess I’ll take it as it comes! We will see—I’ll post plenty of Instagrams.”
Congratulations, Bethany and family! Maximum love and aloha.

Baby on board!.

Bethany Hamilton at Teahupoo (with Tobias in there too). Please don’t ever stop inspiring us.