Subjectivity is a funny thing. It separates us from each other through preferential distinction – from finding Pam Anderson attractive to seeing her as a silicon-infused bimbo, from liking mustard on a sandwich to despising the yellow spread like the plague in condiment form. Internal realities are innate, inevitable and constant.
But sometimes the stars align, the clouds part, the dogs howl, and everyone comes together in complete agreement.
Yesterday was one of those rare moments of collective understanding at Pipeline. During day two of competition, everyone continuously remarked how good it was and how these are the best conditions of the winter thus far. Dave Wassel, like a grom trapped in a WWE wrestler’s body, called it the best Pipe he’s seen in two years, “and I’m here everyday!”
Not many Perfect 10s were posted (aside from Zeke Lau’s Backdoor drainer), but heaps of high scores were consistently posted all day long. In the dying seconds of his Round 3 heat, Bruce Irons clawed his way into a beast at Backdoor, standing tall for the tube, and getting spat out with the score he needed. Then Slater went up against his Pipeline nemesis and perpetual darkhorse, Chris Ward, in an epic battle. Wardo came out on top, boasting a high score of a 9.5. And Gavin Beschen was in that heat, too, with that classic head-down, hard-charging mixed with silky smooth style. Later on John John paddled out, and as the spaghetti-headed wunderkid does, he schooled everyone by effortlessly nailing two midrange 9s. John² is reigning champ at the Volcom Pipe Pro but if the waves stay like yesterday, it could be anyone’s game.
“The conditions are as good as it gets,” Bruce Irons said. “It’s definitely probably one of the best days of winter. Lefts, rights, 8-10 feet offshore, what more do you want?”