Otis Carey. Photo: Insight

In the March edition of Surfing Life I published an article which referred to Otis Carey in terms that I had intended to be highly complimentary. I now understand that Otis and others found my references offensive.
I apologised immediately and want to again apologise to Otis. There have been articles stating that Otis sued me for $200,000 over the article. I am unfamiliar with the Australian legal system. While Otis did issue court proceedings, he did not claim any amount for damages and reports to the contrary are simply wrong.
I want to take this opportunity to bury the hatchet and apologise to Otis through the same audience that received my original article. I thought his surfing and his poetic comments in my movie as part of the Se7en Signs Project were inspirational and I sincerely regret that this could be overshadowed by some ill-chosen expressions on my part. – Nathan Myers