Make fun if you want. But he’s doing it right.

Let me put one foot on my soap box for now. I’m confident I can write this without being a hypocrite, only because I have figured these steps out for myself (with a little research and help from my wife). We have initiated the process of having a happy life, 100% of the time.
For example, think of something you love to do. For me it’s surfing, for you its (fill in the blank). Now, what will leave you unfulfilled while not doing this activity you enjoy? Next, look at your life as a whole. Ask yourself “am I living the life I want to live, is there something I’d like to change or just be a little different?” Write down your questions and answers, be honest with yourself. Now you have your list of happiness and what you really want. Start by making steps toward that future and the rest will follow if you do not stray. But if you’re having a hard time creating your list, try these ten easy steps.
1. Ask yourself “what do I want?”
This one is pretty straight forward, ask yourself and or family what you want out of life.
2. Pick the logical first step.
If your goal is to live at the beach you probably don’t just go sleep on it. Pick the step that gets the momentum moving in that direction, but do so in a way that doesn’t leave youas one of LA’s 100k homeless.
3. Find several hobbies you enjoy.
This will help pass the downtime in a big way. Pick up a guitar, try painting, and try anything you might find enjoyable. If you love the ocean and can’t get enough try scuba, freediving and spearfishing, buy a boat. Hell pick anything to do with the water. Don’t make excuses why you can’t and just do it.
4. Save money.
When I said “buy a boat” that obviously applies to those who can afford it. If money is tight try to find ways to save while still having fun. For example, I bought a kayak. Since then I have had endless free kayak trips. Which leads to…
5. Find stuff to do that’s free.
Kayak, go to a park or just plain go on a walk.
6. Move to the fun.
Why do we sometimes go on vacation and think, “Damn this place is amazing. Sure wish I lived here?” Well why don’t you? The first step lies in location, location location. Personally I live in Georgia because it’s where I have a job. I’d like to live somewhere tropical with surf. So I got myself a cheap sailboat and fixed it up, and now I sail. That fills a piece of that void, however I still want to move.
7. Make small changes that add up.
Like I was saying above, I want to live somewhere tropical rather than just the occasional visit. So make small changes. Sell your stuff (moving is easier with less stuff). Get a project home, like a fixer up RV or bus that could become your tropical home. We bought a 2002 40ft bus for $2,400 and it will be a smooth riding rolling Skoolie conversion home on wheels.
8. Think outside the box.
Be true to yourself and think big too. If people think you’re crazy, F’em (P.S. I am not liable for your actions on that front).
9. Go big!
When the time is right, go big! Sell your house and move, get a new job in the right location, leave your wife/husband…. or whatever your plan may be. I feel like I need to say I love my wife now…
10. Find new ways to fund those dreams.
Send me $10. This will help me be happy. Think of ways to make extra cash doing what you enjoy. Shape boards, make coconut candles or whatever other legal means you can come up with. But seriously, remember to send me $10.
Editor’s Note: You can follow the author’s travels and keep up with progress of his Skoolie conversion here. and here on Instagram here.