Marine biologists in Costa Rica recently filmed a predatory nature reportedly never before caught on camera: killer whales cornering and attacking a tiger shark. While the video isn’t the clearest of edits, it is believed that the orcas then went on to eat the fish.
The diving team were following a pod of killer whales when a tiger shark swam by. Sensing the situation, they quickly jumped into the nearby boat — also following the pod — when the animals engaged. The whales began circling the shark, forcing it to the surface, then flipped it over and drove it with considerable force through the water.
We figured as much before, but it’s becoming clearer and clearer that orcas are not the sort of sea life you want to be swimming around with haphazardly. I, for one, would be scared sh*tless. While it has been known for quite some time that whales, especially killer whales, had the skill set and knowhow to plan and execute such attacks, footage is extremely rare, and in this case, again, thought to be effectively non-existent.