A seven-foot shark (presumed to be a Great White) attacked a distance swimmer at Manhattan Beach at 9:30 AM Saturday on a crowded 4th of July weekend. According to the LA Times, the shark had been hooked and fighting off a fisherman for about 30 minutes before attacking the victim. After being released, the shark reportedly bit the man in his upper right torso.
The video above shows the attack, the victim screaming, and a group of fishermen and bystanders who witnessed the event.
A group of surfers reportedly helped the victim back to the beach.
In response, authorities closed off swimming access to the ocean one mile north and south of the Manhattan Beach Pier for several hours. While fishing for sharks (aside from Great Whites) is considered a legal activity according to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Manhattan Beach authorities have also outlawed fishing from the pier until July 8.
Last month, a great white shark was spotted swimming alongside paddle boarders in Manhattan Beach.

This video is not easy to watch. For a lot of reasons.