Sounds like it could be the beginning to one of the best jokes we’ve heard in a while. “Kolohe Andino, Teahupoo, and Morgan Freeman all walk into a bar…” (Yes, we know Teahupoo couldn’t walk into a bar.) But, nope — it’s a Visa commercial. A Visa commercial that ends with a ski stacked high with Pizza Hut. Ahhh, commercialism at its absolute best.
What this shows is that with an absolute beast of a production budget you’re able to get barreled (and deep) while ordering pies for the crew from your seemingly indestructible waterproof phone, all the while Ellis Boyd “Red” Redding from Shawshank Redemption offers his soothing voice as a backdrop to narrate the entire mind-blowing experience. Definitely a little different from the heavier tone of Kelly Slater, Stephanie Gilmore, and Gabriel Medina’s collective commercial effort earlier this year, but I figure both stories — one about the utter satisfaction in doing what you love, the other about the efficiency of technology in keeping fast food at arm’s reach — end similarly enough: with a big ol’ cheeky smile.
Apparently it was filmed in the weeks leading up to the Billabong Pro Tahiti, where Kolohe would eventually have a strong showing and finish fifth. Perhaps the circus was good practice?