Behind surfing’s wall of silence, managers, sponsors, and the sport’s governing body knew Andy Irons had a problem. Now some of them are finally ready to talk about it.

On Monday, Outside’s Brad Melekian published a long-form, investigative follow-up to his expose entitled “Last Drop” about the controversy surrounding the death of three-time ASP World Champion Andy Irons.
It’s a tragic and complex tale, and Melekian skillfully pieced it together. Follow the link below to read the full piece.
Read Outside’s: Crashing Down.
Behind surfing’s wall of silence, managers, sponsors, and the sport’s governing body knew Andy Irons had a problem. Now some of them are finally ready to talk about it.
Additionally, our own Tetsuhiko Endo published a powerful article examining many of the same themes a few months earlier entitled Demystifying the Life and Death of Andy Irons. If you haven’t already read it, have a look.